Job Site and Landscaping: Introduction

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As we mentioned at the beginning of this guide, the intent is not to insist that you use every green feature listed here. Some are more expensive than others. Others, as you may learn from your architect and building contractor, may not even be feasible for your project, given varying regional climates and code regulations. Here, we described how certain aspects of building may have more of an impact than others on energy, on natural resources, and on our health. and as shown here, some home features, such as plumbing, are obviously more relevant to bathrooms than bedrooms. Our intention is to give you all the green options available so that you may pick and choose what’s most important to you. In the following sections (see below), you will find more in-depth information regarding the green features mentioned in the previous room by room section. To help you in finding your way through the detailed descriptions, we have included the following abbreviations to indicate specific benefits of the green feature under discussion:

$ = cost effectiveness

EE = energy efficiency

RC = resource conservation

HB = health benefit

Job Site and Landscaping

As you begin looking at how you want to remodel your house, it is important to think about the construction process itself. How will construction impact your property, your health, and the environment? There is a lot to consider — from vehicle traffic, to dust, to waste.

In order to minimize construction site disturbance, health risks during renovation, construction waste, and storm water issues, we discuss these topics alongside design early in the renovation planning stage. Once you break ground for an addition, it may be too late to consider the following green remodeling strategies.

Job Site and Landscaping Checklist

Minimize Construction Site Disturbance

  • Limit vehicular traffic.
  • Mark fragile site features.
  • Reduce excessive sunlight exposure.
  • Hand-dig utilities in root zones.
  • Protect native topsoil.

Minimize Renovation Construction Health Risks

  • Minimize exposure to vehicle exhaust.
  • Don’t let workers track contaminants into the house.
  • Protect your home from dust.
  • Positively pressurize the house.
  • Protect construction materials from moisture exposure.

Reduce Construction Waste

  • Remodel for efficient use of space.
  • Reuse construction and deconstruction waste.
  • Recycle job site waste.

Implement Resourceful Landscaping

  • Design resource-efficient landscapes or gardens.
  • Landscape to block winds.
  • Use landscaping to shade windows.
  • Install drip irrigation.

Minimize Storm Water Run-off

  • Incorporate permeable paving.
  • Protect existing plants; plant new vegetation.
  • Use rooftop water catchment systems.

Next: Minimize Construction Site Disturbance

Prev: The Basement

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